Friday, October 22, 2010

When I Look Into Your Eyes

Author's Note- I don't know where this poem came from inside of me, but one day I just sat down with my laptop and wrote this. I don't exactly know where I'm going to go with this, but please leave comments with any suggestions or whatever else you think about this piece.

When I first looked into your eyes,
each breath became a thousand sighs.
My heart drummed out a thunderous beat-
I glowed with joy from head to feet.
The hand of love had touched my soul,
as the bell of destiny began to toll.
The tide of love began to rise;
the world was filled with summer skies.
My sodden clouds of cold and gray,
glowed with gold, then wisped away.
A brilliant rainbow arched across,
as waves of love began to toss.
The air was filled with lovebird cries,
when I first looked into your eyes…

When I first looked into your eyes,
all time and space were paralyzed;
and in that instant I was shown,
a universe I had never known.
I dwell there still in Paradise,
when I look into your eyes.

Friday, May 14, 2010


Author's Note: So many people take advantage of their parents and are always complaining about how their parents are so mean and annoying and how they never let their kids do anything that they want to do. If you think that, there are actually people in the world that have it worse than you. This poem has two different perspectives in it; a view from people hate parents and a view from people that love parents. See if you can figure out which is which.

People in this world;
Everyone that I know despise them,
Or maybe it's just me.
Purpose is to-
Ruin lives

Human beings of this world.
Can't imagine life
Without them.
No idea how to live
Without them.

Stuck here in my life
Making it more inadequately than it has been.
Somebody help me;
I can't deal with this any longer.

Characters in a storybook of
Ones we seek for help
When we hit
A bump
In the Road
And can't figure it out

Wish they didn't control and
Just take over.
No point of them here;
Leave already!

Expect you to not control me
Only when necessary.
But when you take over,
I realize why,
And thanks is all I can give back to you.
Please don't ever leave my side.
I need you.

When people mistreat their parents, they honestly don't realize what they are doing. Parents are only doing their best to give you what you wish for, but when needed, they take over because of some important -- yes, important -- reason. Don't think about the bad things that parents do to you -- think about the good things that they do for you.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Sour Gummy Worms

Author's Note: My friend Alli Quartaroli and I were at our soccer game and we were talking about this one evil girl on the Kettle Moraine team named Julia, and we got to some weird topics. One of these sayings to go with the topic was "Eat my gummy worms!!!" The next day, she brought me gummy worms, and this poem was one of the things that came to mind when I said that line with her.

Sour gummy worms--
So sweet
But yet each little sprinkle of the dust
Makes it sour enough
For a weak person like me
To think that these are sour
But delicious to eat.

So much better than normal ones--
Those are just too plain and
Not Enough
To satisfy one's craving
Of something sour
Like some sour Skittles
Or like a sour gummy worm.

Other candy doesn't have the same excitement to me--
When I taste the sourness
Of each individual sour gummy worm,
There is a different feeling each time.
But when I eat a Laffy Taffy
Or something else
I get disappointed because
It is not a sour gummy worm.

Sour gummy worms are amazing--
Now whenever I think of
Eating a sour gummy worm,
Some things come to mind.
Everything from feeding the crave

Thursday, April 22, 2010

My Favorite Outfit

Every person has a
Favorite outfit,
Whether it be
Casual or
Like mine --
My style.

My style is
Not exactly sporty
But yet not too girly.
Just Perfect
For a person
Like me.

My favorite outfit is
Abercrombie jeans.
Tight around the legs.
To go with that is
A sweatshirt from the amazing
Pewaukee basketball tourney,

Past the clothes
is shoes.
My favorite ones are
Orange --
With turquoise and pink.
Just my type.

The way my hair
is styled
Changes every day.
But my favorite is
Down, straightened,
and parted to the side.

Each and every person
Has their own favorites.
But mine
Is just for me --
and only me.
Nobody can ever pull it off
Quite like myself.

Monday, March 22, 2010


Everybody meets a special person
Who makes their heart go wild;
Sometimes it only comes once in a lifetime
Then you no longer feel like a child.

For this person
You could do almost anything
Just to make them happy; and even if
They don't approve, they would still accept anything.

With this person
You could stay up almost all night
Just talking; you two have a lot in common;
The conversation would never end.

For this person
You would go to the end of the world just to please them;
But once you got back, they would say
"You do not need to impress me, that has already happened - just
When I met you was good enough."

With this person
Anything could turn up
With your endless communications;
In this situation, nothing could stir up.

Eventually in every person's life
They meet this unique person.
Something could possibly happen to it
But nothing major could it worsen.

Jumping in Summer Air

As you press your feet down onto the mat,
You feel a sudden burst from your insides
Saying "JUMP! JUMP!"
And then you just happen to feel like flying.

When you reach the highest point in your jump,
You feel the air running through your lungs
Saying "FLY! FLY!"
And then you slowly drift down to the beginning position.

Once you hit the mat another time,
You feel the exhilarating moment in time
You're saying "DO IT AGAIN! DO IT AGAIN!"
And then you shoot up close to the sky once again.

These are the same feelings I get every day,
but only when I go outside to jump.
Not just on the boring white carpet inside;
But on the outside - on my giant, blue trampoline!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Edna's Feelings

Everybody has these feelings
When they know something will come
But with me it’s different

I am blind
Not able to see
Not one single thing


A young girl; only about 18 years of age
Got stuck with a child
Now we are friends – but I’m only the babysitter

At the park the child – and I – go to every day
I can’t see
And have the feelings once more


This time it’s different
Her “mother” is in the mountains
With someone I’m not so sure about


I hear footsteps approaching
But they are heavier than the child’s
I’m scared, and not sure what to do

Just assuming I won’t hit her
I swung my cane as hard as I could
Obviously I hit something, but not sure what


Once Virgie got home
I asked what had happened
“Someone had tried to kidnap her,” she said


I regret not going inside earlier
With this disability it is hard
To go through life
Not really knowing what is happening
Or even being able to see
What is right in front of your own two eyes

NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: I had many different inspirations from this writing piece. The main thing that I wanted to write about was how Edna must have felt when someone was sneaking up on her. I tried to write a fictional story about it, but then it didn't work out too well.... So then I decided to try a poem and this is what I got.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

State Champs

Each team going for their own victory
But none let alone have hope
As do the State champions

Traveling, with friends and more
Arriving, with high energy
Ready to become -- State champs

Running, shooting, trying hard
To become what we have wanted forever--
The mysterious State champs

Defeated again; that's just fine
We have still got a journey ahead
To emerge as -- State champs

One victory down, one to go
To have access at the finals
And to get a new title -- the State champs

We won! We won everyone!
Players and parents rejoicing
Onto the championship -- State champs!

Right away we pull ahead
Hoping to keep it this way
Do not lose faith; stay pumped up

The final buzzer rings loud
Everybody looks up with a nervous face
Pewaukee 6th grade State champs.