Friday, May 14, 2010


Author's Note: So many people take advantage of their parents and are always complaining about how their parents are so mean and annoying and how they never let their kids do anything that they want to do. If you think that, there are actually people in the world that have it worse than you. This poem has two different perspectives in it; a view from people hate parents and a view from people that love parents. See if you can figure out which is which.

People in this world;
Everyone that I know despise them,
Or maybe it's just me.
Purpose is to-
Ruin lives

Human beings of this world.
Can't imagine life
Without them.
No idea how to live
Without them.

Stuck here in my life
Making it more inadequately than it has been.
Somebody help me;
I can't deal with this any longer.

Characters in a storybook of
Ones we seek for help
When we hit
A bump
In the Road
And can't figure it out

Wish they didn't control and
Just take over.
No point of them here;
Leave already!

Expect you to not control me
Only when necessary.
But when you take over,
I realize why,
And thanks is all I can give back to you.
Please don't ever leave my side.
I need you.

When people mistreat their parents, they honestly don't realize what they are doing. Parents are only doing their best to give you what you wish for, but when needed, they take over because of some important -- yes, important -- reason. Don't think about the bad things that parents do to you -- think about the good things that they do for you.


  1. Thats soo cool, how you like responded as a different person to the lines above it. I love the notes at the beginning and end, it helps a lot to understand it, and added a lot more meaning to it, I think.

  2. Wow, that's great. It's like your poetry was arguing with itself. That's a style I've never seen before and it was amazing! Great job. Keep it up!

  3. I like that Allison. It was really good. It flowed really well and I don't know what else to say, but it was good.
